Gráphagos: Memetik Evrim Grafik Tasarımı Açıklar mı?

2010’da yarattığım evrimsel grafik tasarım programı Gráphagos hakkında ilk Türkçe yazımı Manifold için yazdım. Yazıda programın ayrıntılarından…

Evolutionary Graphic Design: Gráphagos

I’m finally publishing the evolutionary graphic design program that I created in 2008–2010 as my master’s thesis…

Biology as Ideology

Review of Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA by Richard C. Lewontin Lewontin is a leftist…

Dennett’s Istanbul Talk Online!

Here it is, finally, Dan Dennett’s Istanbul talk titled “Darwin’s Strange Inversion of Reasoning” from last year….

A Well-Disposed Memeticist’s Problems With the Meme Talk

It’s been some time since I finished reading Darwinizing Culture: the Status of Memetics as a Science…

Taking Memetics Seriously

I am currently reading Darwinizing Culture, edited by Robert Aunger. I just finished David Hull’s contribution titled…

Early Christmas

I did it. I met Dan Dennett.   I greeted him and his wife Susan at the airport,… Protection Status © 2024 Deniz Cem Önduygu