Visualizing the Genealogy of Ottoman Naskh Types

My friend Onur Yazıcıgil is a researcher of Ottoman typefaces and we had worked on a visualization…

The Art of Insight

Alberto Cairo is an eminent figure in information design, as a practitioner, educator, and author. I’ve always…

History of Philosophy Updated

I’m proud to announce a huge upgrade for my History of Philosophy, both in content and in…

Speak to the Eyes – Panel

I was invited to join a panel on the history of data/information visualization in Turkey with Eray…

Communicating Science

I was at Sabancı University for an event we organized and named ‘Communicating Science’ where I spoke about…

Redefining Infographics

Do you like infographics? Your answer doesn’t tell much because we’ve been using that word for very…

Medicine and Technology Symposium

I was invited to speak at the Medicine and Technology Symposium organized by the Turkish Medical Students’ International Committee. It…

The Trouble With Text

People don’t like texts. Forget reading, they don’t want to look at them. Or so think amateur…

Visualizing Protein Motions with Static Images

In 2011 I worked with Canan Atılgan and Ali Rana Atılgan on the figures of their paper…

The Information is Beautiful Awards

I was at the inaugural Information is Beautiful Awards ceremony & party at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in…

Find Out What You Are

This is a personal project that dates back to 2009; I’ve been postponing sharing it because I…

The Big Picture in Seven Scales

See the full size and Turkish versions here. After publishing this, quite a lot of people have…

Image of Science

Image of Science was a workshop that seeks to bring researchers and designers together in order to…

Metallica on Stage

Winner of the Bronze Medal in Data Journalism and of the Community Award in the inaugural Information… Protection Status © 2025 Deniz Cem Önduygu